Saturday, November 20, 2010

Aptitude & Numeracy Test

I have received a number of queries about Stage 2 which involves a computer aptitude and numeracy test.

Computer Aptitude Test:
There is little candidates can do to prepare for the computer test, they are similar to old-school computer games where a joystick is used to complete several tasks. Each task is carried out more than once, I can only assume that the assessors are looking for an improvement after each attempt. I personally recommend using the time in between the tasks to rest your eyes and mind before the next challenge.

Numeracy Test
This test is also in the computer. There are no calculators allowed however pencils and rough paper are provided. Important: the questions are not in order of difficulty! If you get stuck on one then just move on, the next question may be much easier. It is possible to go back to previous questions if time permits. Roughly 45secs per question is allowed. The questions all relate to data provided in a booklet. For example, there may be a graph in the booklet and a few related questions asking you for the average etc etc. 

There are also currency conversion problems E.g. 

$1 = 300yen 
100yen = 0.50Euros

Question: Express 4000yen in Euros with the remainder in Dollars.

There will be a number of possible answers on the screen and candidates must choose the most correct one.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Cathay Pacific Cadet Program - Group Exercises

During stage 2 of the selection process candidates are required to do two assessments in groups.

1. Group Exercise:
Your group will be given a scenario where you will have to come to a decision within a certain time-limit. The actual task has nothing to do with flying,  the idea is to demonstrate that you are all able to work as a team (In fact there probably isn't a right answer!). There is no way you can prepare for this, just enjoy the challenge!

2. Flight Planning Exercise:
This is a simple flight planning problem that candidates must solve in pairs. You will be given all the information required along with a scenario. No flight experience is necessary as the problem itself is fairly simple. You will be asked to submit your written calculations individually so ensure you keep your notes concise and clear.